Stripe: Now Beta Testing

I’m pleased to announce that the Stripe payment gateway extension is now available for beta-testing. The extension allows you to accept credit card payments for bookings on your site. Unfortunately Stripe is (currently) only available in the following countries:

  • United States
  • Canada
  • UK
  • Ireland

(those purchasing tickets of course, can be in any country). Stripe will hopefully soon available in Australia, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg, The Netherlands and Spain too (currently they are in ‘private beta’).

Purchasing tickets with Stripe payment gateway

Purchasing tickets with Stripe payment gateway

Want to Beta Test?

As always beta-testers receive a free 1-year license for the extension they are beta-testing. However, since this extension requires Pro to function, only Pro customers will be accepted as beta-testers.

Beta testing has now closed, but you can expect this extension to be available very soon…