A bit later than expected, but 1.2 is ready for release. This update is mainly focussing on the bookee infrastructure, but there’s few other bits added in too.
Bookee shortcodes
– displays all the bookings (confirmed or otherwise) that a user has made[events_attending]
– displays all events that a user is attending
There are various attributes available for these shortcodes, and they each have their own template:
which you can copy into your theme and edit to suit your particular needs. See the shortcodes page for more details on these new shortcodes.
1.2 also adds support for the ‘users_events’ attribute for both the fullCalendar and event list shortcode:
[eo_fullcalendar user_events="true"]
Note: To use the ‘users_events’ attribute with the [eo_events]
shortcode, requires Event Organiser 2.1.5+.
This attribute restricts the events to those the logged-in user is attending. You can also use the bookee_id (user’s ID) argument with eo_get_events()
or WP_Query
to query events to which a user has booked.
Events you’re attending widget
A simple list of upcoming events the current user will be attending. You can edit this via the template user-attending-widget-event-list.php
Booking admin screen tweak
This is a minor change, but I thought worth a mention. On a booking’s admin screen, other recent bookings the user has made are listed below the user’s details.
Additional functions added
These functions include:
– a wrapper foreo_get_events()
– counts future events the user is attending. (Counts occurrences).eo_get_user_booking_history()
– a wrapper foreo_get_bookings()
(See the codex for more information: http://codex.wp-event-organiser.com/package-user.booking.functions.html Speaking of which …)
Brand new function documentation
I’m pleased to announce the new Event Organiser Codex. Documentation is still on-going – but this new codex is much easier to maintain, and so will shortly become a very comprehensive resource. If you have any questions, want to see more documentation for a function, or spot any mistakes, just post on the forums!
Query events by proximity
In 1.2 you can now query (and order) venues or events by their distance to some point. See this post for details. The point is specified by latitude/longitude co-ordinates, but often you probably won’t know these but just a written address, so 1.2 also provides…
Geocode function
This function (see the codex) takes a string address and returns its latitude-longtitude co-ordinates as a an array. The result is cached to help speed up your site, and the function also allows you to over-ride the remote API call with one to a different service provider of your choice. The default service is provided (free, and currently without requiring a key) by Nominatim Search Service.
Translate Event Organiser
I’ve changed online translation tool for Event Organiser (& Pro). Its designed to be accessible by anyone and makes it a lot easier for corrections and updates to be submitted.
Find out more about how to translate Event Organiser (& Pro)
City, state & country filters for the calendar
The headerLeft, headerCenter and headerRight attributes for the [eo_fullcalendar]
shortcode has long accepted ‘venue’ and ‘category’ as values to add venue and category filters. You can now do the same with ‘city’, ‘state’ and ‘country’.