Event-Venue Queries
Querying Venues
In Event Organiser Pro you can query venues matching certain meta data (see venue custom fields). This is identical in form to the normal post ‘meta_query’ you can use with WP_Query
To retrieve venues matching certain custom fields criteria you can use the eo_get_venues()
function with the ‘meta_query’ argument:
$venues = eo_get_venues( array( 'meta_query' => $venue_query ) );
where $venue_query
is a 2-dimensional array, e.g. to get all venues in Edinburgh:
$venue_query = array(
'key' => '_city',
'value' => 'Edinburgh',
$edinburgh_venues = eo_get_venues( array( 'meta_query' => $venue_query ) );
Each inner-array can contain the following
- key (string) – Venue custom field key.
- value (string|array) – Venue custom field value (Note: Array support is limited to a compare value of ‘IN’, ‘NOT IN’, ‘BETWEEN’, or ‘NOT BETWEEN’)
- compare – how the query should match the key-value. Possible values are ‘=’, ‘!=’, ‘>’, ‘>=’, ‘<‘, ‘<=’, ‘LIKE’, ‘NOT LIKE’, ‘IN’, ‘NOT IN’, ‘BETWEEN’, ‘NOT BETWEEN’. Default value is ‘=’.
- type (string) – The custom field type. Possible values are ‘NUMERIC’, ‘BINARY’, ‘CHAR’, ‘DATE’, ‘DATETIME’, ‘DECIMAL’, ‘SIGNED’, ‘TIME’, ‘UNSIGNED’. Default value is ‘CHAR’.
For instance to get venues which are not in Scotland:
$venue_query = array(
'key' => '_country',
'value' => 'Scotland',
'compare' => '!='
$non_scottish_venues = eo_get_venues( array( 'meta_query' => $venue_query ) );
Note: You can query my any, and multiple, custom field keys. Venue address details are stored with the meta keys
- _address
- _city
- _state
- _postcode
- _country
- _lat
- _lng
To get all venues in Edinburgh or Glasgow which have a bar
$venue_query = array(
'key' => '_city',
'value' => array( 'Edinburgh', 'Glasgow' ),
'compare' => 'IN'
'key' => 'has_bar',
'value' => 1,
$venues = eo_get_venues( array( 'meta_query' => $venue_query ) );
Proximity Queries
Since 1.2 (Pro) you can also query venues (or events at venues, see below) by their proximity to a given location. The ‘proximity query’ extends the meta_query
component and each ‘proximity’ array can contain the following:
- center (array) – Array index by ‘lat’ and’lng’
- distance (int) – Optional. A distance from the center point.
- unit (string) – ‘miles’ or ‘km’ (kilometres). Default: ‘miles’.
- compare – how the query the venues by distance (e.g. venues which are less than X miles away, venues which are greater than X miles away etc). Possible values are ‘=’, ‘>’, ‘>=’, ‘<‘, ‘<=’. Default value is ‘<=’.
When the venue meta query includes a proximity query you can set ‘orderby’ to ‘distance’. If you wish to query all venues, but order them by a distance from some point, then you still need to include a proximity query – but you do not need to set a distance.
//Get venues within 10 miles of Windsor Castle, order by distance
$venue_query = array(
'proximity' => array(
'center' => eo_remote_geocode( "Windsor [castle]" ),
'distance' => 10,
'unit' => 'miles',
'compare' => '<='
$venues = eo_get_venues( array(
'orderby' => 'distance',
'order' => 'ASC',
'meta_query' => $venue_query
Getting a location’s latititude/longtitude co-ordinates:
See the the documentation for function eo_remote_geocode()
Getting Events via Venue Queries
Event Organiser Pro allows you to retrieve events whose venue match a given query. Simply use the venue_query
argument (which behaves very similarly to WordPress’ native meta_query
argument ).
The venue_query
is identical to the meta_query
in eo_get_events()
referred to above.
For instance to get all future events in the city of Edinburgh:
$edinburgh_events = new WP_Query( array(
'post_type' => 'event',
'venue_query' => array(
'key' => '_city',
'value' => 'Edinburgh'
'event_start_after' => 'today'
Note: the venue query will also work with eo_get_events()
and get_posts()