Wrong time when change to wintertime

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums iCal Extension Wrong time when change to wintertime

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Manuel Hallauer 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #18846

    Hi Stephen
    I have weekly repeating events until middle of November. When I download the data to my mac calendar all events are one hour earlier after the change to wintertime end of October. Can you tell me how I can fix that?
    Thanks Manuel

    Manuel Hallauer

    Hi Manuel,

    What timezone is used in your Settings > General?

    Stephen Harris

    city: Zuerich (UTC+2) sommer change to UTC+1 in winter

    Manuel Hallauer

    Hi Manuel,

    I will check this, but the plug-in converts date/times to UTC and specifies the timezone: the receiving calendar is then responsible for displaying the datetimes appropriately. Someone previously raised this issue, but it turned out that one of the calendars was set to UTC (or fixed offset thereof) rather than the intended timezone.

    Could you check your mac calendar just to ensure the timezone its using, and I’ll quickly create a test feed to see if I can replicate the issue.

    Stephen Harris

    Hi Manuel,

    Digging into this I’ve found that the calendar timezone is not specified in the feed. Furthermore, even when doing so this was ignored (on the calendar applications I’ve tested). I think the best way forward is to keep the date/times in the site’s timezone and specify the timezone.

    I will open a ticket and provide the changes required to fix this , but this might not necessarily be merged into the plug-in. The reason is “Europe/Zurich”, for example, might be not be understood by all calendar applications, and they may simply interpret it as UTC. So this change could potentially ‘break’ (incorrect time) existing calendars. As it stands, only recurring events across a DST are affected.

    Fortunately the file that needs editing event-organiser/template/ical.php is a template, and so in any case you can be copy it into your theme and make the corrections there.

    Stephen Harris

    Please see this page: https://github.com/stephenharris/Event-Organiser/issues/293 for the ticket and link to the patch.

    In short replacing ical.php with https://github.com/stephenharris/Event-Organiser/blob/59105f7e6ac115f8c9f3cc381428342efd2abe5e/templates/ical.php should fix the issue.

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks a lot, it is working perfect now!
    Have great Sunday

    Manuel Hallauer
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