Working in Multilingual

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #11014 Reply

    Hello, i want to know it the Pro-Version working with Multilingual Pages.
    I have build three different sites with WPML and I need a Eventmanager in 3 different Languages on the side.

    Please let me know.


    #11021 Reply

    Hi Michaela,

    Neither Event Organiser nor Event Organiser Pro have been tested with WPML. I am currently working on integration with, however there is no ETA for this, so it may come too late for you.

    For the benefit of others, I’ll post an subsequent updates here. But for now, I’m afraid I’ll have to say “probably not”. Sorry.

    Stephen Harris
    #20369 Reply

    Hello Stephen,

    Great plugin and resources!

    I have a question, though, and I just found this thread related to it. I have a client who is ready to have me install this calendar, but she has her website in two languages (English & Spanish).

    I was thinking that a way around this, would be to maintain two calendars separately in her case. With Event Organizer Pro, would that be possible? That is, to have two different calendars on one site?

    Many thanks in advance for your reply!


    #20376 Reply

    Hi Vibeke,

    It’s possible, but might cause some duplication of events.

    For instance you might assign the event to an ‘english’ or a ‘spanish’ category. You could then create two calendar pages, and only show one category (you could use tag instead if you’re already using categories for something else).

    There might be some ‘tidying up’ you’d want to do. For example if the user went to then they would see all events (both english and spanish). You could disable that page and/or display only english or spanish.

    None of that concerns Pro. What does concern Pro is if you are selling tickets for these events: the ‘english’ event and the ‘spanish’ event are entirely independent. That is bookings for one event will have no impact on the tickets remaining in the second.

    Stephen Harris
    #20396 Reply

    Hi Stephen,

    Thanks for the quick reply – highly appreciated!

    The solution you mention make sense – great! My client will be selling tickets though, so will let her know that the two language versions work as separate events.

    • Vibeke
    #20648 Reply

    Hi again Stephen,

    I’m getting to the final stages of configuring the calendar for my client, so just a quick question related to this thread. I’ve added/adjusted a few fields next to the map for her, and consequently it’s a multilingual mix (see screenshot), with the original fields translated automatically to Spanish (which is great) and the new or adjusted ones not picking up a translation (the challenge).

    Not sure if the topic of WPML has developed since the origin of this thread. Do you know where your plugin gets the translation data, or is this a thing I need to request support for with WPML?

    Thanks again for your advice!

    • Vibeke

    Screenshot event details next to map

    #20696 Reply

    Hi Vibeke,

    We’ve been discussing this via e-mail, but for the benefit of other users: when using WPML, and you add translatable (i.e. inside functions such __(), _e()) strings to your theme then you need to ‘rescan’ the theme in WPML so that it can pick these strings up and make them available for translating their String Translation page.

    Stephen Harris
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