Widget bug?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  CupOfTea696 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #18365


    I think there is something wrong with the Calendar widget.
    When you enter the widget area, I get the following error:

    ErrorException in functions.php line 3391:
    eo_event_venue_dropdown is deprecated since version 2.13.2! Use eo_taxonomy_dropdown() instead.

    It appears that this deprecated function gets used in event-organiser/classes/class-eo-calendar-widget.php

    Tried replacing the old function with the new one, but it doesn’t appear to take the same arguments so I just commented the entire section out for the time being.


    Actually I think I found the problem. I created a pull request on your github.



    Thanks for reporting this. The use of a deprecated function is known and will be removed in 3.0.0. (Or 2.12.7

    You should only be seeing thoses notices in WP_DEBUG and in any case unless you have any custom error handling shouldn’t cause any problems.

    Stephen Harris

    Allright, cheers!

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