Which license?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  edith mayerhofer 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #16903 Reply

    Hi Stephen,

    I have seen, that the license for my customer´s site has expired. It would have been nice to get
    an email reminder to be informed.
    Can you tell me which license I actually need for a multisite (one customer, 2 websites on one installation)?
    Can I still have the discount?
    On your website you write:
    “You’ll have the option of renewing your license, at a significant discount, before it expires.”


    edith mayerhofer
    #16906 Reply

    Before I renew the license I should solve another issue. Whilst I (as a superadmin on a wp
    multisite) can work without any problems all the other “normal” admins of the website
    enter tickets in the backend but they are not shown in the frontend. I have controlled
    the permissions and admins should be able to do everything. How is this possible?
    Each time I have to delete all the tickets entered by the admins and re-enter them
    with my superadmin user…

    Can u help?


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  edith mayerhofer.
    edith mayerhofer
    #16918 Reply

    Hi Edith,

    You should have received an e-mail (or at least the e-mail on record with the license, which appears to be yours). If you do plan to renew please let me know and I’ll issue you a discount code.

    Multisite installations count as as one site.

    Regarding the tickets. If the user creates them, they should appear – that is, while not all users can create tickets, if they can, they are displayed. However, this is subject to

    • The quantity being greater than 0
    • The ticket being ‘on sale’ as determined by the sale period (if provided)
    • If selling by date, that the appropriate dates are selected – note that if you update the event’s dates you’ll need to update the tickets too. This is no admin-side visual cue that this needs to be done (beyond a simple message), but this is being looked into.

    In short, there’s no reason that tickets you create should appear and non-super-admins don’t, beyond the above points.

    Stephen Harris
    #16919 Reply

    HI Stephen,

    then it is gone to spam or I have overseen it. And yes… I would like to purchase the new license of course. I need it just for one site then and don´t need the biggest package anymore.

    I have controlled all of the issues mentioned by you but couldn´t find any error made by the admin. Even if I log as superadmin and try to change something, they wouldn´t show. Only if I delete and re- enter them, everything works fine – as long as superadmin does it. 🙁

    I gave my superadmin access to the admin and told him to try to insert the tickets with my user. If they still don´t show up, it is not user related. If they do… well, it is and I have no idea how to solve it.

    Please let me know how to proceed for the license.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  edith mayerhofer.
    edith mayerhofer
    #16935 Reply

    I’ve just sent you an e-mail with a discount code.

    Stephen Harris
    #16954 Reply

    thank you! Purchased business version! 😉

    edith mayerhofer
Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
Reply To: Which license?
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