Weekly Re-occurring Events are not importing

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums iCal Extension Weekly Re-occurring Events are not importing

This topic contains 14 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 7 months ago.

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    I have a google calendar feed where most of the weekly re-occuring events not being imported. Debugging the code, it appears that the last scheduled date is being incorrectly set to the first start date (which is in the past).

    Here is the public calendar feed:

    One of the events that fails to be imported, guid = b3e3jm7i4l6vvt6a9htqe037bg@google.com



    Hi Lynne,

    I’ve just tested that feed and it seems to work correctly. What versions of iCal sync & Event Organiser are you using?

    Stephen Harris

    ical sync Version 2.0.0
    Event Organizer Version 2.13.4
    Event Organiser Pro Version 1.10.4

    Note: in the import/export tab, it shows 37 events imported in the Events column but in the All Events page, I only see two events for that feed.


    That’s odd – I’ve tested this plug-in on a local install with anyone problems. I received 36 events, and these appeared to be imported correctly. I got 3 notices of indefinitely recurring events.

    I’ll test this again on a dedicated install with the versions you mentioned above.

    Do you get any warnings / errors?

    Stephen Harris

    Also, you’ve mentioned on another thread that you’ve made changes to the core plug-in, does the problem persist if you remove those changes?

    Stephen Harris

    I found the issue. I had the ‘Delete expired events’ checked in the Event Organizer Settings. If I uncheck that, the events are imported. I can leave the box unchecked, but I assume that means that expired events are being imported?


    Yes, that might explain it. If you re deleting expired events, then when the iCal imports an event, it discards it if it has expired.

    Stephen Harris

    But, the events that are being discarded are not actually expired. So, it looks like a bug?


    Hi Lynne,

    Apologies for the delay in getting back to you. I can now verify, yes this is a bug. It affects users importing iCal events with ‘delete expired events’ enabled and running Event Organiser 2.13.0 or later.

    There shall be an update shortly to Event Organiser iCal sync. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

    Stephen Harris

    This should now be fixed in Event Organise iCal Sync 2.0.1

    Stephen Harris

    Wonderful it is fixed! Thanks very much!


    I can’t seem to upgrade to iCal Sync 2.0.1. Nothing happens when clicking the Upgrade link. I noticed that iCal Sync 2.0.1 says it requires Event Org 2.7. I have Event Organisier 2.13.5.


    Hi Lynne,

    That’s odd, I’ll look into that. What version of iCal Sync do you currently have? 2.0.0?

    In the mean time you can manually download the update via: wp-event-organiser.com/my-account.

    Event Organiser 2.13.5 is later than 2.7 so that version is fine.

    Stephen Harris

    I updated the plugin manually and the issue with importing with delete expired events is fixed. Thanks!

    I’m not sure why the upgrade link didn’t work for me. I’ve running:
    Event Organiser 2.13.5
    Event Organiser CSV 0.3.2
    Event Organiser Front End Submission 1.2.0
    Event Organiser ICAL Sync 2.0.1
    Event Organiser Pro 1.10.4
    Event Organiser Venue Markers 1.0.2
    WP 4.2.3


    Thanks Lynne,

    Did you see any error message while trying to update from within the WordPress admin?

    Stephen Harris
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