Thanks, yes, I edited the form. This is what I did specifically
<code >
* Array of States
* @since 1.0.6
* @var array
$state_arr = array(
'Alabama' => 'Alabama',
'Alaska' => 'Alaska',
'Arizona' => 'Arizona',
'Arkansas' => 'Arkansas',
'California' => 'California',
'Colorado' => 'Colorado',
'Connecticut' => 'Connecticut',
'Delaware' => 'Delaware',
'District of Columbia' => 'District of Columbia',
'Florida' => 'Florida',
'Georgia' => 'Georgia',
'Hawaii' => 'Hawaii',
'Idaho' => 'Idaho',
'Illinois' => 'Illinois',
'Indiana' => 'Indiana',
'Iowa' => 'Iowa',
'Kansas' => 'Kansas',
'Kentucky' => 'Kentucky',
'Louisiana' => 'Louisiana',
'Maine' => 'Maine',
'Maryland' => 'Maryland',
'Massachusetts' => 'Massachusetts',
'Michigan' => 'Michigan',
'Minnesota' => 'Minnesota',
'Mississippi' => 'Mississippi',
'Missouri' => 'Missouri',
'Montana' => 'Montana',
'Nebraska' => 'Nebraska',
'Nevada' => 'Nevada',
'New Hampshire' => 'New Hampshire',
'New Jersey' => 'New Jersey',
'New Mexico' => 'New Mexico',
'New York' => 'New York',
'North Carolina' => 'North Carolina',
'North Dakota' => 'North Dakota',
'Ohio' => 'Ohio',
'Oklahoma' => 'Oklahoma',
'Oregon' => 'Oregon',
'Pennsylvania' => 'Pennsylvania',
'Rhode Island' => 'Rhode Island',
'South Carolina' => 'South Carolina',
'South Dakota' => 'South Dakota',
'Tennessee' => 'Tennessee',
'Texas' => 'Texas',
'Utah' => 'Utah',
'Vermont' => 'Vermont',
'Virginia' => 'Virginia',
'Washington' => 'Washington',
'West Virginia' => 'West Virginia',
'Wisconsin' => 'Wisconsin',
'Wyoming' => 'Wyoming',
<label class="eo-fes-form-element-sublabel" for="<?php $this->subfield_id( 'venue-state' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'State', 'm4bl' );?>:</label>
<select id="<?php $this->subfield_id( 'venue-state' ); ?>" data-eo-venue="state" class="<?php esc_attr( $this->element->get_class() ); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->element->get_field_name( 'venue_state' ); ?>" data-eo-venue="state">
<option value="" disabled="disabled" <?php selected( esc_attr( $this->element->get_value( 'venue_state' ) ), '' ); ?>> -- <?php _e( 'Select a State' ); ?> -- </option>
<?php foreach( $state_arr as $state_abbr => $state_name ) : ?>
<option value="<?php echo $state_abbr; ?>" <?php selected( esc_attr( $this->element->get_value( 'venue_state' ) ), $state_abbr ); ?>><?php echo $state_name; ?></option>
<?php endforeach; ?>