venue pending

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 5 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #33829

    I added create venue in user form, but venue have status pending.
    1 How to auto approve added venue?
    also i no see manual option in admin.
    2 If user submited venue showing to every user or only to author?
    in submit event form.

    Dmitri Nepo

    The venue should be automatically approved when the corresponding event is approved (published).

    Stephen Harris

    good and if possible approv venues from private events?
    if i need change every thing in code, please help me with this.
    * i use code, publishing event convert to private automatic.

    Dmitri Nepo

    Venues for events should be approved when the event is irrespective of its visibility (public/private). The venue, however, won’t be private as they do not have visibility.

    Stephen Harris

    but i going to venue press Update Venue and no result, the venue have status Pending
    Venue Name (pending)
    Edit | Delete | View

    Maybe can use and modifed this code for venue?
    this code convert publish event to private,
    but venue this no post type.

    function wp_118970_force_type_private($post) {
    if ($post[‘post_status’] != ‘trash’ && $post[‘post_status’] != “draft” && $post[‘post_status’] != “auto-draft” && $post[‘post_type’] == ‘event’) {
    $post[‘post_status’] = ‘private’;
    return $post;
    add_filter(‘wp_insert_post_data’, ‘wp_118970_force_type_private’);

    Dmitri Nepo

    The venue is approved when the event is published, not when the venue is updated.

    Venues are a custom taxonomy, not post types.

    Stephen Harris
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