Venue Filter

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #10931 Reply

    Hi There,

    I am trying to create a venue filter on my site like this one

    I have event organiser but I am only able to do a drop down search of each venue by name and display venues on a map.

    I want to the user to be able to filter the page by area / subject etc, so the page remains the same but the content filters to the categories chosen in the side bar filter, is this possible with Event Organiser Pro?


    #11022 Reply

    Hi Cherie,

    Sorry, this one seems to have slipped the radar! This is possible with Pro but is not a feature ‘out of the box’. It would require some code to implement, but the API is available to filter venues (and events) by location and other meta-data.

    Stephen Harris
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