user admin interface

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #13691 Reply

    Hello. In pro version users have personal admin cabinet? How does it look? For example if i will going for some bookings and when i logged on site I will see my booking and personal info about tikets? If you have screenshots it will be nice.


    #13695 Reply

    Hi Dmitry,

    Pro gives you the option of requiring that bookees have a (WordPress) account created for them. With this enabled, you can use the [booking_history] shortcode (see docs) to display the details of all the bookings made by the user. You can optionally allow users to cancel their bookings too.

    The styling of the booking history page is left entirely to the theme.

    Stephen Harris
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