Use for Movie Showtimes

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #7272 Reply

    Could this plugin be used for “events” like movies that run over a specific period of time but have multiple showtimes daily and vary throughout the week? Please advise. If not, thoughts on how to accomplish this? Free advice appreciated! Sorry if this has been answered before but couldn’t find reference to it.

    Sean Nilsson
    #7317 Reply

    Hi Sean,

    Unfortunately not. In terms of the database structure it is possible, however the plug-in doesn’t allow multiple times per event because of user-interface complications that would occur on both the admin & front-end. On the admin side, being able to select multiple times per date complicates the date selection when in the most cases the user doesn’t need this feature. On the front-end, the booking form offers a date-picker – which multiple times, an additional time selection would be required as well.

    While they’re not insurmountable problems, they are not ones the plug-in seeks to address at the moment. I’ve posted a reply to a similar question on WordPress Stack Exchange: which includes suggestions for ‘workarounds’, but ultimately, the plug-in isn’t designed for that. (There are also posts by others for rough outlines for how you might go about building a solution yourself).

    I’d consider creating an add-on which does that, but I can’t offer an ETA – and I’m afraid it would be at the back of a fairly long queue of features and other extensions in the pipeline.

    Stephen Harris
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