URL of Google event details?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 1 month ago.

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    I’ve got a feed pulling in a Google calendar. I want to have a list of events where the title of each event links to the details of the event on Google, rather than to a page on my site. Is this possible?

    Tony Lettkeman

    It’s possible, but I didn’t think Google had a public page for each event? Assuming there is an url you could just edit the shortcode event list templates (and/or the page templates) and replace get_permalink() with something which returns the desired url.

    How to get that url will depend on what it is/how its generated. It may require saving it with the event when the feed is fetched (which is possible). If you were referring to the ‘Add to Google’ link you can use eo_get_add_to_google_link() (http://codex.wp-event-organiser.com/function-eo_get_add_to_google_link.html).

    Stephen Harris
    Tony Lettkeman

    Unfortunately Google doesn’t provide that url in its feed, so it’s not possible.

    Stephen Harris

    Hmm… I’ve seen another plugin that seems to be able to do it. It’s called Google Calendar Events. It can provide a list of events and each event when clicked will point to the Google event rather than a page on the website.

    Tony Lettkeman

    Hi Tony,

    That plug-in uses the XML feed, unfortunately Google’s iCal feed doesn’t provide a link (I have no idea why – the specification has provision for an url).

    Stephen Harris
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