Urgent! Ticket showing sold out when not sold out

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Report A Bug Urgent! Ticket showing sold out when not sold out

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kim Harding 6 years, 8 months ago.

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    I have an event which is showing as sold out when only 10 of 200 tickets have been sold. There is no sale end date set or any other reason I can see for this to happen

    Kim Harding

    Found that the Cap booking at was set to 10. Five people had bought two tickets each and this caused the event to show as “sold out” even though the number of spaces for each ticket type was set at 300 (the venue capacity).

    I thought the “Cap booking at …” function was supposed to limit the number of tickets being bought in one transaction? This is something that is needed, have had problems in the past with people accidentally trying to buy 10X the number of tickets they wanted and that causing ticket sales to stop.

    Anything that causes tickets to show as being sold out, when they are not, is a serious problem…

    Kim Harding

    Hi Kim,

    The purpose for that cap is when you have a venue with a given capacity, but want to offer a variety of tickets without prescribing the ratio of those tickets. E.g I might want to offer tickets such as ‘Standard’, ‘Concession’ and ‘Child’. The venue might have a capacity for a 100, but I do not mind what percentage of the availability is taken by Standard tickets vs Concession tickets vs Child tickets. In that situation I can set their available quantities to 100 each. The cap then ensures no more than 100 tickets are sold in total, irrespective of their type.

    There is no built-in feature to limit the number of purchased tickets (beyond the limit of the event itself). But you can use the code in this tutorial (adapt it from one ticket to 5): https://wp-event-organiser.com/blog/tutorial/limit-bookings-to-one-ticket/

    (If you need any further help implementing that, please just let know!)

    Stephen Harris

    Ah, so I completely misunderstood the function.

    There has been a problem with mistyping the number of tickets they were trying to book (mostly on mobile devices) then Stripe rejecting the payment as the value of the transaction took the buyer over their limit.

    Kim Harding
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