Upgrading from Event Organiser

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #5428 Reply

    How do I upgrade my plugin – that is, I currently have the “old” EO installed on my site, but I’ve just purchased the Pro version (squee). Is there some procedure for installing/upgrading?

    #5430 Reply

    The new pro plugin is an add on, so you just install it on top of the regular plugin; i.e. the pro plugin essentially just builds on top of the regular EO plugin.

    This means that you will/must have both the regular EO and the pro EO plugins installed and active at the same time.

    1. Update the regular EO plugin to the latest version
    2. Install the EO Pro plugin and activate it
    3. Head to Settings > Event Organiser > General
    4. Add your licence key in the top
    5. Click “Save” at the bottom of the page

    #5431 Reply

    Perfect! Thanks.

    #14064 Reply

    Hi! I just wanted to confirm that if I upgrade to Pro, then this article…


    will cover how to add a custom field to the event listing – not just a custom venue field.

    Basically, I just would like to add a field alongside the event description, dates, and venue that lists the production company.

    Is that doable?

    Would be nice if such a field could be a dropdown a la the venue field, that lets you select previously used entries… but that’s not strictly necessary.


    Adam Abrams
    #14071 Reply

    Hi Adam,

    That article refers to adding a custom field to the booking form.

    It sounds like you’re referring to adding fields to the event admin page. Additional metaboxes can be added to the event admin page, and the user input saved and displayed on the event page. Events are just a post type (of type ‘event’) and there are plenty of articles (like this one) on how to add your own metabox, but there are also alot of plug-ins available that handle on the code-side things for you.

    (By the way, if you instead were referring to the front end submissions plug-in, then you can add custom fields (including select fields), to collect data for the event via the form customiser. This can then be displayed on the event page if desired).

    If you have any further questions, feel free to start a new thread.

    Stephen Harris
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