Update not available?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #15588

    I keep getting errors when trying to update Event Organiser Pro to version 1.9.6 and Event Organiser Front End Submission to version 1.1.5.
    “Update package not available” or whatever the english translation for “Uppdateringspaketet ej tillgängligt.” is.
    What has happened?

    Daniel Roos

    Hi Daniel,

    The site you were using the Pro license on had changed it’s IP address, so you’re probably getting that error because the key is (technically) invalid. I’ve cleared the license key, so it shouldn’t appear as invalid now (although this may take a few hours to filter through).

    Regarding the FES license key – that hasn’t been registered yet, so either you’ve not entered the key or if you have, the site is having trouble communicating with our servers (unlikely, has the error message you’ve seen is the result of a successful response from our servers).

    You can also manually download updates from your account page.

    Stephen Harris
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