Unable to renew license

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 1 year ago.

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  • #43639 Reply

    Received an email on 22 Feb as a reminder to renew my license. Logged into my account, and don’t see a “renew license” link anywhere. My ical sync license is active through 22 April, and my Pro license through 30 May. I’d like to renew them both if possible.

    Can anyone provide tips as to what step I might be missing here?


    Clay Showalter
    #43647 Reply

    Hi Clay,

    I’m not sure why the renew button isn’t appearing for you, but I’ve emailed you a discount code so you can purchase a new set of keys with a 50% discount. This will be valid until the 1st May, so you can purchase the new licenses after the existing ones have expired if you wish.

    Stephen Harris
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Reply To: Unable to renew license
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