Unable to purchase add-on

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Chris Dunst 2 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #41364 Reply

    Hi Stephen,

    I’m trying to buy the Stripe add-on, but for some reason at checkout it says ‘Restricted account Account is restricted’. I thought perhaps my account was disabled for not using it for a while, but tried creating another account with my Gmail email address, but get the same message.

    Is there a known problem?

    Thanks in advance

    Chris Dunst
    #41366 Reply

    Hi Chris,

    There was previously an issue with PayPal integration, but should have been resolved today.

    Could you try again?

    Kind regards,

    Stephen Harris
    #41368 Reply

    That worked fine, thanks. Was passed to PayPal successfully.

    I just need to check in with the client, so will purchase on Monday and get it configured.

    Have a good weekend, thanks for sorting.

    Chris Dunst
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Reply To: Unable to purchase add-on
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