Tutorials and License Expiration

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #12719 Reply

    All I need is to get tutorials on how to work with the templates. Are there different levels of tutorials that come with the different licenses? And what is the length of a licenses’ validity? 1 year? After that, do I lose access to the tutorials without renewing?

    David Grooms
    #12755 Reply

    Hi David,

    All licenses are valid for a year. Access to tutorials is identical for all license ‘grades’, but you do loose access once the key expires.

    There aren’t currently any tutorials which go into the details of editing templates – largely because it the specifics vary so greatly from theme to theme. However, help with this would be available as part of the support provided.

    Stephen Harris
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