Tickets & Redemption

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #12378 Reply

    Looking at event plugin.

    Needs: Skydiving Ticket Sales
    Recurring event 365 days a year
    Unlimited slots per event
    Tickets. Customer Gets Tickets with purchase

    Customer brings tickets to business.
    Employees Able to SCAN tickets with cell phones or ipads to prevent fraud and render ticket USED in system.

    Can you do this?

    Yes, I’ve looked read, poked around, etc.


    #12410 Reply

    Hi Harry,

    Pro offers all the above features with the exception of unlimited seating* and a QR scanner app, the latter of which is currently in (the early stages of) development.

    *Tickets must have a capacity, but this can be set arbitrarily high.

    Stephen Harris
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