Since updating to Pro 3 the ticket sorting functions don’t seem to be working. Clicking on the sort up/down buttons gives the following in the Console:
TypeError: b is undefined 2 event-pro.min.js:2:3960
I have tried to track the error, but with only partial success!
Looking at the page source code and debug.log, while the tickets returned by the call to eo_get_event_tickets() do include an order.
[27-Jan-2020 12:22:02 UTC] array (
718953 =>
array (
'order' => 1,
'name' => 'B&B single occupancy Fri',
'price' => 49.0,
'spaces' => 85,
'from' =>
'date' => '2020-01-31 23:55:00.000000',
'timezone_type' => 3,
'timezone' => 'Europe/London',
'to' =>
'date' => '2020-06-01 23:55:00.000000',
'timezone_type' => 3,
'timezone' => 'Europe/London',
'occurrence_ids' =>
array (
0 => 2565,
'mid' => '718953',
the tickets output using wp_localize_script in includes/register.php:519 do not:
var eo = {"tickets":[{"mid":718953,"name":"B&B single occupancy Fri","spaces":85,"price":49,"from":"31-01-2020","to":"01-06-2020","occurrence_ids":[2565],"selected":"24-07-2020","from_time":"23:55","to_time":"23:55"}
The resulting HTML markup shows all tickets as having order 0.
<td class="eo-ticket-cell ticket column-ticket">
<input type="hidden" value="update" class="eo-ticket-action" name="eventorganiser_pro[ticket][c1][action]">
<input type="hidden" value="0" class="eo-ticket-order" name="eventorganiser_pro[ticket][c1][order]">
<input type="hidden" value="718953" class="eo-ticket-id" name="eventorganiser_pro[ticket][c1][ticket_id]">
B&B single occupancy Fri
<td class="eo-ticket-cell ticket_spaces column-ticket_spaces">
<td class="eo-ticket-cell ticket_price column-ticket_price">
As the move_ticket_up / move_ticket_down functions use the order to perform the move, clearly they are going to fail!
Unfortunately, even if I manually set a ticket order by editing the ticket metadata in the database, it is overwritten back to all tickets having order 0 if the event is subsequently updated.
I still had an old copy of the pro plugin (v 1.11.15) which I temporarily reverted to on my dev site – reverting allows the ticket sorting to work almost properly – though it still throws a TypeError when trying to move a ticket up to the top position!