Ticket amounts above thousand stored wrong in db

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Report A Bug Ticket amounts above thousand stored wrong in db

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 9 months ago.

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    The issue is fairly simple but it took me a while to find out and fix.

    When somebody creates ticket that has amount above 999 it is stored in database as “1,000.00” because of “number_format” function that is setting up the price for DB in “event-organiser-pro/includes/tickets.php” both “eventorganiser_insert_ticket” and “eventorganiser_update_ticket” methods.

    It looks correct when in database, but after displaying it in view while booking tickets it is truncated by javascript to display pretty prices so ticket amount comes out as a “1.00”.

    I assume that price cant be stored with just (which gives us “1, 000.00”)

    number_format( $ticket['price'], 2)

    It has to be done with english format (which gives us “1000.00”)

    number_format( $ticket['price'], 2, '.', '' )

    So when it is taken from input to display, javascript wont truncate the value.

    What do you think?


    Mozin Podlis

    Expensive tickets 🙂

    Thanks for your work on this Mozin. I’m not quite sure why number_format() is being used there – its really only for output – so I’ve removed those two instances from 1.0.3 which I’m about to release. This fixes the issue.

    Thanks again!

    Stephen Harris
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