Thumbnail alignment

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Susan Giles 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #14089

    [eo_events showpastevents=”false” numberposts=”5″] %event_thumbnail{medium}% %event_title% Date: %start{M jS, Y}%Time: %start{ g:i:a}% – %end{ g:i:a}% Location: %event_venue% %event_excerpt{30}%Read More[/eo_events]

    Susan Giles

    Assuming your theme supports it, you can specify the alignment by setting the appropriate class:

    [eo_events showpastevents="false" numberposts="5"] %event_thumbnail{medium}{class=alignright}% %event_title% Date: %start{M jS, Y}%Time: %start{ g:i:a}% – %end{ g:i:a}% Location: %event_venue% %event_excerpt{30}%Read More[/eo_events]
    Stephen Harris

    Thanks! That worked!

    Susan Giles
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