This is keeping me from buying

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #8578 Reply

    I installed to test and for some reason the events in fullcalendar view on the page is stretching each of the boxes.
    Obviously, Im not going to continue or purchase if this is how it works.

    link to what im seeing:

    Need to make a choice today so please reply as fast as you can.


    #8581 Reply

    Hi Tom,

    I’ve seen this before – the theme is animating links using CSS transitions and this plays havoc with the calendar. Adding the following to your theme’s style.css shold resolve it:

    .eo-fullcalendar a{
       -moz-transition: none;
       -webkit-transition: none;
       -o-transition: none;
       transition: none;
    Stephen Harris
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Reply To: This is keeping me from buying
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