Theme conflict

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #20202 Reply

    We recently purchase a different plugin which we later found out conflicts with our theme. I understand you cannot ensure this plugin works with every theme, but I’d like to ensure, prior to purchasing, that if there are issues we would be able to secure a refund. The plugin appears to do what we need – provide a calendar on the homepage, allow simple registration and payment collection through paypal. Thank you!

    Jennifer Mangel
    #20205 Reply

    Hi Jennifer,

    Have you tried the free version? 99% of any theme compatibility issues occur with the free version. If you’re happy with the free version, then I’d be happy to offer you a refund if there are theme compatibility issues. However, prior to that I would ask for the opportunity to instead address the issues and see if a fix can be found (either for the plug-in or the theme). This way you would get a working plug-in/theme and the Event Organiser (or that theme) would be improved for future users.

    Stephen Harris
    #22559 Reply

    I had a conflict with my theme and the free version. I don’t know if you can take a look at the Kadence themes and see how your plugin can fit them better.

    Thomas Furmato
    #22561 Reply

    Thomas, can you link to the theme? Is it free and open source?

    Stephen Harris
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Reply To: Theme conflict
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