Hello again stephen,
I browsed through the trial and I think it will solve a lot of issues.
Now some new doubts lol
1- The format can be easily customized as the free version templates?
2- Can I remove the whole mention of Price since the events are generally free?
3- I suppose it’s already translated into spanish or that it has at least its pot file.
4- Can the ticket/registration be subject to confirmation?
(because of space limitations, it’s not a first come / first served policy – they have merit policy for certain events)
I guess this is it for now! Thank you in advance.
1 – The format can be easily customized as the free version templates?
Sorry, the format of what? Keep in mind that Pro should be installed alongside the base version, so you’re still able to customise the templates as you do in the base version.
2 – With a few lines of CSS, yes. In a future update the price column (on the front-end) will be removed for free events.
3 – Yes, it is translatable. Translations are updated with each release. For the next release the Spanish translation stands at 70% (details on how to translate text can be found here: docs.wp-event-organiser.com/i18n)
4 – By default bookings are automatically confirmed when payment is confirmed. If the event is free, is immediately confirmed. If the event is paid, but payment is to be made offline then the booking should be confirmed manually.
With a few lines of code it is possible to alter this behaviour if required.
Stephen Harris