sync airbnb & vrbo calendars

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  chris 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #17168 Reply

    Hello Stephen,

    It looks as though your plugin may be the ticket. Before purchasing I would like to know if your event booking calendar can synchronize with airbnb and vrbo. I have two properties that I listed on these services and would like the option for consumers to book through my personal site without double booking. Therefore, I would like your plugin to pull from the existing data to display on my personal website. Airbnb support iCal format. Can your plugin accomplish this? Thank you for your time.

    #17177 Reply

    Hi Christopher,

    The iCal sync extension will do this – it periodically imports events into from an iCal feed into your WordPress site.

    However, just to be clear: firstly it imports events not bookings. Secondly, the Pro extension (which adds booking features), is an event booking extension, not a room reservation plug-in. There is a distinct difference between the two: in the first a user registers a place on an event with a pre-determined time, whereas with the second, the user is selecting a fairly arbitrary time period from available time/date slots.

    If you plan to allow users to reserve a place at your property, I’d recommend you look for a reservation plug-in rather than an event one.

    Stephen Harris
    #17182 Reply

    thank you

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