Suitable for simple free events?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #12053 Reply

    I’m looking for an event ‘ticketing’ plugin. My client organises free events with a limited number of places available. There will be multiple events, and each event could be held at multiple times (e.g., tours today at 13:00-14:00 and at 15:00-16:00). Visitors of the site should be able to register for an event at the time of their choice. During registration visitors should choose how much people will come.

    Would the £40 version of this plugin be suitable for that? I’m a bit afraid that this plugin (and all other event ticketing plugins I’ve found) are a bit too big/extensive for this use case. Hopefully you can say something about that 🙂

    #12055 Reply

    Hi Jonathan,

    Yes, Pro does support tickets for free events. If tickets are free then the payment gateway option is hidden from the user, and they are not taken to a payment gateway. On the booking form there is still a price column but this can hidden with few lines of CSS:

    .eo-booking-ticket-price {
        display: none;

    The only caveat is that each event has only one time (i.e. if it’s a recurring event, each occurrence is at the same time). If you’re offering multiple times, then each time would require its own event.

    Alternatively you could offer a ticket type for each timeslot – though I can’t recommend this as it’s a mis-use of the multi-ticket feature. For example clicking on an event in the admin calendar you can view a booking summary – but that small summary will group all tickets (which maybe confusing if each ticket represents a different timeslot). Of course, you can still view a detailed breakdown of bookings for an event.

    Event Organiser (& Pro) are both designed to provide a lot of features, but to do so in away which maintains a simple and easy to use user-interface. If you, or you’re client aren’t quite sure it’s right for you, you’re welcome to demo the plug-in at

    Stephen Harris
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