Sudden issues have appeared.

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 5 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #33243 Reply

    I’ve been using the free version of Event Organiser for a while now and I have also purchased the iCal Sync extension. Everything was working OK for quite a while.

    Since around Friday last week there’s a serious issue with the Event Organiser.

    We have two events which happen every day and several other events every week.

    Since Friday the first daily event does not appear at all as far as I can see and the second daily event is next happening on the 17th March, 11 days from now. Some other weekly events are also not appearing, but some are.

    I have checked the events themselves and they are all in there and I can’t see anything that would cause this problem.

    I have the exact same issue with both the Events Widget and the Event Organiser Posterboard extension. As these are the only two methods I use to displace the lists of events on the site.

    As it is now, it’s broken and not suitable for purpose.

    It appears that the only way to get support to fix this issue is to purchase the “Personal” Pro version, which comes with “Support and updates for up to 1 site”.

    We don’t need any of the other benefists that come with the Pro version, so I’m here to ask if support will be able to fix this issue for sure, because if the issue is not fixed, purchasing and the Pro version will be a waste of both time and money.

    Please advise.

    #33245 Reply


    Yes, unfortunately support is only available for paying customers. However, I have sent you an e-mail regarding this issue and hopefully we will have it resolved quickly.

    Stephen Harris
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Reply To: Sudden issues have appeared.
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