Submissions without picture

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #17183

    Great plugin!!! 🙂

    I have one “problem” when users use the frontend submissions. I have removed the option to upload picture, since only a few are using them. The problem is that now there is a box indicating that there should be a picture on every new post.

    Is there a way to remove the picture form the listings?

    One more thing, on the agenda widget i have english dates. Is it possible to remove the: th, nd?

    Thanks again for making these grate plugins 🙂

    BØrge Olsen


    That placeholder is not displayed by the plug-in but by the theme.

    In your themes single.php (or single-event.php if it has one) it will display the thumbnail somewhere. Presumably it is checking if the the post/event has a thumbnail, and if not displaying a placeholder instead. It’s impossible for me to say how it’s doing that, but by altering the theme you can get it to displaying nothing at all.

    Stephen Harris

    Regarding the dates on the agenda widget, you should be able to specify the date format in the widget settings and so remove the ‘S’ (which corresponds to the ordinals st, nd, th).

    Stephen Harris
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