
This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #23714 Reply

    I sent a pre-sales inquiry via contact form but have not received a reply yet, so I thought I would try this forum…

    I am wondering if your plugin is a good fit for my client’s website. My client only has 2 events per year with add-on sub-events like courses, meals, etc. Some “must have” features (that I don’t see covered by the extensions) are:

    1. sub-events (or child events)
    2. customers’ ability to return to purchase additional event add-ons (like a meal, lesson, etc) later after initial purchase – ie make future additions to their existing order/registration.
    3. ability to cancel registration (by both customer and admin)
    4. ability for an admin to manually process new order or add to existing order in wp-admin

    This is an example of our existing registration (custom php) form which we are trying to mimic (somewhat) in WP with your plugin if possible:

    Dou you think that the pro plugin can accomplish the requirements above? Also, although I am a developer/webmaster myself, I wouldn’t mind paying someone to do the initial setup and configuration of the event registration form (per above sample) to save myself the learning curve. So could you please advise or make a recommendation for that as well?

    Thank you,

    #23756 Reply

    Hi Albert,

    My apologies that you never received a reply.

    1) The plug-in doesn’t support sub-events unfortunately. All events are top-level, but you could assign them categories which are hierarchical.

    2) The ability for a customer to modify a booking is not yet provided, except to cancel a booking if this is enabled by the site admin.

    3) As mentioned, admins can cancel bookings and allow for customers to cancel bookings.

    4) Admins can only add bookings by going through the booking page. An admin-side way of adding bookings is currently being developed.

    (2) & (4) could be developed, but I think would constitute a lot of development time. I hope you’re able to find an alternative plug-in to meet your requirements soon.

    Stephen Harris
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