I need a calendar similar to this http://studioluxberlin.de/kalender.html in functionality, not in design.
I already figured out that I can:
- add specific colours to categories (great!)
- show individual calenders on the team members page listing only their entries (sorted via categories, also great!)
- can easily add irregular reocurring events (amazing!)
What I really would like to do:
- Link each entry to the team members portfolio, so when I click the link in the calendar I get taken there
- not display the name of the team member in their own individual calendar that shows only their entries, but have only the specific days highlighted in their colour
At the moment I am working at the new (wordpress) version of the website on localhost, but will move it to a dev subdomain in the next few days, if screenshots, links or a better explanation is needed.
I am already very happy with the functionality and will purchase the business version.
A few php tinkerings I can do on my own, but I would also be willing to pay for my specific adaption that goes over my abilities.
I really hope my adaptions are possible, as I am looking since a while for a good plugin suiting my needs and this looks like the best shot so far.
Thank you for your time and work!

Hi Fabienne,
I may have misunderstood, but I think you want to link the events in the calendar to a different page (not the event page). If that’s the case, this is indeed possible using this filter: http://codex.wp-event-organiser.com/hook-eventorganiser_calendar_event_link.html
It’s also possible to remove the event names from the calendar, if that’s what your second point is

Stephen Harris
Yes, that was exactly the answer I was looking for!
Although for the 2nd question (removing the event names) I only want to do this on specific calenders.
I will purchase the plugin and am quite sure I will be pooping up in the “normal” support forum pretty soon.
Thank you!

Little correction – is it possible to link each event to a single different page?
