SPAM user registrations

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 10 years ago.

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    I have been fighting with SPAM user registratons on my site.

    Tried capthcha on WP Register page. It didn’t help.

    So tried CleanTalk. It did help!

    But now I have another bigger problem. See this thread I started today at CleanTalk:

    Do you know how to help me?


    Rolands Rudītis

    Hi Rolands,

    Please feel free to invite them to get in touch – I’d be happy to work with them to help resolve the problem.

    Stephen Harris

    Problem solved!

    Here is solution from CleanTalk developers:
    “You can enable CleanTalk plugin and disable ‘Custom contact forms’ option (set to ‘No’) in its settings.
    I found that your error is result of this option, it’s not a user registration error.”

    Hopefully those spam users are not coming back anymore.

    Rolands Rudītis

    Glad to hear that’s sorted!

    Event Organiser also provides a simple anti-spam field to help avoid spam registrations. Another method is to use a ‘honeypot’, a hidden field which you check remains empty (the idea is that bots are more likely to fill in the field).

    Stephen Harris
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