Some events without registration

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #19507 Reply

    Sorry if this has been asked before. I am wondering if certain events can NOT have a booking form when using this extension. Not all events might require registration, so I would want to show NO booking information on these events. Possible?

    Paul Scollon
    #19508 Reply

    Absolutely, only events for which you create tickets will display a booking form.

    Stephen Harris
    #19583 Reply

    That’s great. One other question, can some of the events be booked but have no price – ie. You need to reserve a place, but the event is still free to attend?

    Paul Scollon
    #19585 Reply

    Yes, simply don’t enter a price for the ticket.

    If an event is free no payment gateway setup or selection is required and the price column is hidden (by default)

    Stephen Harris
    #25040 Reply

    Dear Stephen,

    The price column still appears even when all gateways are disabled and we do not enter any price. It automaticallyshows that the price per ticket is €0. This will be confusing since participants have to pay cash at the event itself.

    Any solutions?

    Thank you,

    Stefaan Van Hoeck
    #25041 Reply

    If it’s a free event the plug-in will add the class eo-booking-free-event to the ticket picker table. The plug-in then uses CSS to hide the price column.

    If you have disabled the plug-in’s CSS then (see Settings > Event Organiser > General then this could cause the price column to still appear). Otherwise, the theme’s stylesheets may be over-riding the plug-in (this is unlikely, but possible).

    Stephen Harris
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