Some events being duplicated in homepage listing

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Report A Bug Some events being duplicated in homepage listing

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Adam Abrams 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #16332

    Hi! I’m using this code:

    [eo_events ondate="today"]

    For my homepage listing. Recently I had a look and see that some – but not all – upcoming shows are being listed twice. screen shot

    I’m sure this wasn’t happening before. My EO and WP are up to date. Any idea what might be causing this? Thanks!


    Adam Abrams

    Hi Adam,

    This could be one of two reasons:

    1. The “duplicate” events displayed are in fact different occurrences of the same event. However, the template has been designed so that the content is identical (e.g. the event’s schedule first date to the schedule last date, instead of the occurrence start and end date). This could be the case if you’ve edited the templates (as default behaviour to display the occurrence date).

    2. Secondly, and less likely, is that a conflict with another plug-in is causing the SQL query to be such that events are pulled out multiple times.

    It looks like you’ve edited the template, so could you have used eo_get_schedule_start() instead of eo_get_the_start()?

    Alternatively (and again assuming (1) ) you could group occurrences in the plug-in’s general settings. But note that this could cause a performance hit on the site.

    Stephen Harris

    Thanks Stephen. I think I’ll have to wait until the problem crops up again – it’s gone away now! – but will investigate with your suggestions in mind, at that time…

    Adam Abrams
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