Site turns white at install

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #19312

    Hi, I have used the free version for a while and it works flawlessly. I decided to by the pro-version, but at activation it turns all white and my site is completely down (all pages are white). I used ftp to delete the event organiser pro folder and now my site is working again. I tried once more (now with the very latex wordpress update and checked all other installation requirements) and same happened. Turns all white. Have to use ftp to delete folder once more… Please suggest solution. Rgds Erlend

    Erlend A. Glommen

    Hi Erlend,

    I’ve just replied to your e-mail regarding this. We’ll hopefully have this sorted for you promptly, and I’ll post an update here in case any findings are helpful to others.

    Stephen Harris
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