Shortcode [eo_events] suddenly stopped working

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Report A Bug Shortcode [eo_events] suddenly stopped working

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 2 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #41977


    Our website uses Event Oganiser shortcode but it suddenly stopped working and now does not show anything on the site. No changes have been made by us to the code. Here is an example of the shortcode we were using and was working fine up until a few days ago:

    [eo_events event_category=”introduction-course” showpastevents=”false” event_start_after=”12-12-2021″ event_end_before=”01-01-2023″ no_events=”No events announced at present”]%start{j F}% – %end{j F}%[/eo_events]

    Please let me know the solution as none of our course listings are currently showing on the website!

    Thank you.

    Vicki Taylor

    Update: I have narrowed this down. It is specifically this section within the shortcode that is not working:

    %start{j F}% – %end{j F}%

    From the above, %event_url% works correctly.

    It is specifically this part that is displaying blank:

    %start{j F}% – %end{j F}%

    Vicki Taylor

    Update: It is specifically %start% and %end% that is not displaying. I tried it without the date formatting {j F} and it still displayed blank.

    Please advise the solution. Thank you!

    Vicki Taylor

    Update: I moved shortcode-event-list.php into my theme to edit it for date formating. I added additional shortcode to the website page [eo_events event_start_before=”last day of this month” event_end_after=”first day of this month” showpastevents=false][/eo_events]

    This worked, and it showed the correct event title on startdate, here is an example of what was displayed:

    Introduction to Buddhism on November 2, 2022

    However, all the original shortcodes with date formatting tags still showed blank dates [eo_events event_category=”introduction-course” showpastevents=”false” event_start_after=”12-12-2021″ event_end_before=”01-01-2023″ no_events=”No events announced at present”]%start{j F}% – %end{j F}%[/eo_events]

    I then refreshed the website page a number of times, and found that the shortcode accessing shorcode-event-list.php within the website theme suddently stopped showing the start date. I repeated this and found that on some refreshes the new shortcode displayed the dates correctly and sometimes it didn’t. This was completely random. Could there be some kind of caching issue? I set the caching to zero in WordPress and it still happened.

    Here is a video of the screen where you can see the shortcode displaying dates, and then not depending on the refresh.

    Please advise asap. Thank you.

    Vicki Taylor

    Update: the widget still shows the dates correctly. This issue of the none showing dates is only with the [eo_events] shortcode – both the shortcode with tags AND the shortcode without tags.

    Please advise ASAP. Thank you.

    Vicki Taylor

    Hi Vicki,

    Apologies for the delay in responding. Are you using WordPress 6.1 or later? WordPress changed some caching behaviour in 6.1 and it impacted some event queries. Event Organiser 3.12.2 was released to work around this issue.

    However, I wasn’t able to replicate this issue (but there might be some further specifics, such as whether you’re logged-in or not)

    Stephen Harris
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