security " You are logged in as xxx@xxxxx.xx Not you? "

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Frontend Submissions security " You are logged in as xxx@xxxxx.xx Not you? "

This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #20036

    1.: Is it possuble to removt that ” tag ” from the submission form , or rather from all forms ?
    enter image description here
    2: is it possible to preset , a date or a time on a form ?

    Jan Nielsen

    1) Yes:

    add_filter( 'eventorganiser_fes_form_display_notices', function( $notices ) {
        unset( $notices['logged-in-as']  ); //remove logged-in-as notice
        return $notices;
    } );

    2) and yes 🙂

    add_action( 'eventorganiser_get_fes_form', function( $form ) {
        $form->get_element('date')->set_value( array(
            'start_date' => '29-12-2015', //Format the date and time
            'start_time' => '3:15pm',     //according to the format you've set
            'end_date'   => '30-12-2015',
            'end_time'   => '4:15pm',
        ) );
    }, 1 );
    Stephen Harris

    Sub question :

    What files to edit, i have a fair grasp of PHP, but im far from a programmer 🙂

    event-organiser-pro.php ?

    Jan Nielsen

    No, please don’t edit any plug-in files. See: for details on where you can put the code snippets.

    Stephen Harris

    I cant get this working….

    <hr />

    add_filter( ‘eventorganiser_fes_form_display_notices’, function( $notices ) {
    unset( $notices[‘logged-in-as’] ); //remove logged-in-as notice
    return $notices;
    } );

    <hr />

    It dont remove the ” security question ” have i made somthing wrong…

    the 2 part of the code, regarding time works fine 😉 😉 😉
    enter image description here

    Jan Nielsen

    Hi Jan,

    It works for me. Just to clarify, you’re referring to the “You’re logged-in as…” message on the front-end submission form, yes?

    Stephen Harris

    well yes, but also if user will submit a ticket, and attend an arrangement.
    I would like to complete remove that “ question “ on all pages..

    Jan Nielsen

    The above snippet only does the front-end event submission form. For the booking form:

    add_filter( 'eventorganiser_booking_form_form_display_notices', function( $notices ) {
        unset( $notices['logged-in']  ); //remove logged-in notice
        return $notices;
    } );
    Stephen Harris
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