Rest api

This topic contains 12 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Neeraj Malve 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #20647 Reply

    Ive given this a look and can’t find anything. Are you going to include a rest api for this like wp-api? Then it could be used as a back end for a calendar app 🙂

    #20654 Reply

    Hi Roger,

    Yes, this is planned for the 3.1.0 release (3.0.0 is due later this month).

    Stephen Harris
    #22256 Reply

    Hi Stephen,

    I’m working on a project that will really want this! We’re building an app that’s going to interact with Event Organiser (starting in June), so we’re very keen for this!

    In doing a bit of research on this, I came across Drupal’s Open Event extension, which appears to implement an API that complies with the Events model.

    I was wondering if you were planning on having EO’s implementation compatible with the schema? If you are, it means that I can start developing some of the guts of my app now in advance of your Rest API implementation.



    Andrew Shankie
    #22288 Reply

    Hi Andrew,

    I’ve had chance to review that schema and its very unlikely to form the basis of Event Organiser’s API. this is for two reasons:

    1) That Event schema is actually for instances of a recurring event, or at least there are no fields for indicating a recurrence schedule.
    2) I’ll be building on WordPress’ API which already has a schema, and keeping it consistent will make compatibility with existing clients easier..

    (Although there is no reason why the two schemas can’t be exposed via different routes).

    Unfortunately, this is now likely to be pushed back to 3.2 as it would otherwise hold back the 3.1 release. Furthermore I had anticipated that the REST would be fully in core by then.

    What I can do is bump this up in priority and publish the schema for you to work against.

    Stephen Harris
    #22732 Reply

    I am also very keen on using this API for the mobile app development. any idea which month Rest API is expected to be out?

    Neeraj Malve
    #22836 Reply

    Hi Neeraj,

    Apologies for the delay in getting back to you. There is unfortunately no ETA for this yet, but it’s likely that REST API support will be rolled out as a separate plug-in so it’s iteration is not restricted by Event Organiser’s release schedule.

    So, tentatively, an alpha-release of the REST API support will be made available in June. It will not, however, be feature-complete. I’ve published this document which gives a brief summary of the endpoints that are complete:

    (It will also require the REST API plug-in until that plug-in is included in WordPress core)

    Stephen Harris
    #23344 Reply

    Hi Stephen,

    Dont want to push on this much but very much waiting for this to come out! I am sure many like me are waiting for their Mobile App.. Any update on this will be helpful.


    Neeraj Malve
    #23346 Reply

    Hi Neeraj,

    My apologies, this is a bit behind schedule.

    All “read” parts of the API have been completed. The “write” parts of the API for venues, tags and categories are effectively complete, and the “write” parts of the API for events and occurrences are currently being developed.

    A first release is expected in the next few weeks, although if you’re only interested in the read aspects, then I can provide something for you now.


    Stephen Harris
    #23347 Reply

    Thanks for your reply. “Read” api would be good to start with. Atleast the Mobile App development work will get going with this.


    Neeraj Malve
    #23392 Reply

    Hi Neeraj,

    The plug-ins is available here:

    Listed in the readme are the available endpoints. Please note however, this is still in alpha, and so the schema is subjec to change.

    Stephen Harris
    #23397 Reply


    Cant Thank you enough for providing this plugin. It works well. Just a small glitch with the event-categories. Does not work, I will also try to see whats wrong in the code.


    Neeraj Malve
    #23398 Reply

    Hi Neeraj,

    There’s a typo here:

    The hook should be eventorganiser_register_taxonomy_event-category not eventorganiser_register_taxonomy_event-categories. I’ll update that shortly but you can just apply the change yourself in the mean time.

    Stephen Harris
    #23399 Reply

    Thank you for looking into it Stephen!

    Neeraj Malve
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