Registration just logged-in user

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 9 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #21127 Reply

    I would like to know, how does work registration to an event for user,
    who just has been registered to our website and he is logged-in in the moment.
    I mean it should be enough eg. if just click any button for “Register to the event” and
    do not need to fill any personal datas again.
    Am I correct? Or how this works in real?
    Or is there any option how to do that as it mentioned above?
    Thank you!

    #21131 Reply

    Hi Radim,

    A logged in user won’t need to fill in their name/email. They will need to select which (quantity of) tickets they want, but if you have only one ticket and only wish to allow the user to register one place, then you can enable simple booking mode and all the user will need to do is click the register button.

    Stephen Harris
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