Recurring events with two types of registration?

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Pre Sales Questions Recurring events with two types of registration?

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Erin 3 years, 11 months ago.

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    Hello, I’m thinking of using this plugin for a nonprofit client of mine and hope you can help me determine whether it’s suitable. I’m a WordPress developer so I’m comfortable leveraging code to get where I need.

    The client is an historical site that offers tours and also sometimes hosts ticketed events like fundraising dinners. For the tours, these are their requirements:

    • Easily set up a custom recurring schedule (e.g. From 1 May – 31
      October there is a tour every Friday at 10am and 1pm, and every
      Saturday at 10am).

      • Sell tour tickets to the public, allowing one person to book multiple spots.
      • Have free “tickets” available only to logged-in ‘docent’ users, so docents can sign up to lead a tour.
      • Have a capacity limit of, say, 10 on the public tour and 2 on the docent signup.

    Also, would we be able to customize email responses to the tour attendees vs docents? Could a website administrator make a proxy booking via the dashboard, without needing to go through payment processing?

    I’d appreciate any insight as to whether this plugin can be used this way, and how much customization I could expect to have to do to meet these requirements.


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