Recuring Event via feed

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Wokra 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #10085 Reply


    There are many event plug ins also with ical integration but i have always the same problem…

    If i import events from my google feed its in my case always recurring events like……Thuesday 25. March from 8pm to 10pm, every week, 6 times.

    Now the problem is all 6 events are showen in the event list but i only want to display the first event and not all. Some plugins have the possibility to exclude some dates but you have to do it manually for every event. Thats to much work for my 150 events how change all 3 months.

    So is it possible to only show the first day of a recurring event ????


    #10089 Reply

    Event Organiser allows you to ‘group occurrences’ – this effectively means that only one date of an event is shown. This date is the earliest date which matches the criteria. (So, for displaying if showing all events, only the first date is used, but if displaying future events, the next date is used).

    Alternatively, if you really only wanted to show the first date, you could group occurrences (so only one date is shown) and then replace with eo_get_the_start( '....' ) with eo_get_schedule_start( '...' ) (see codex). eo_get_schedule_start() displays the first date of an event.

    In that way all dates are created, but only one (per event) is shown. (Though you can, manually remove all other occurrences, using the add/remove date feature – but as you point out, doing that for that number of events is tedious).

    Stephen Harris
    #10093 Reply

    That means it would work in my way? 🙂

    Like that

    So i will buy the event organizer + the feed plug in……..hope so it works in my way…

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