Problem with license renewal

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 3 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #40439 Reply


    I didn’t receive a renewal notice or discount code this year –that I can find (I also searched the spam folder and wasn’t there). I would have renewed it if I had received something to remind me, as we are still using the plugin (v 3.2.0).

    How do I renew my license? My account states my license is still active. When I login to the Event Organiser account and I go to the purchase history tab, it does not give me the option to renew.

    Our IT said there is an update available for Event Organiser Pro, but it can’t be installed due to an expired license key.

    Please advice.

    Barbara K
    #40464 Reply

    Hi Barbara,

    The renewal link is only available before the license has expired. I’ve sent you a follow-up email on how to purchase a new license key.

    Stephen Harris
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