I have already submitted a forum question, as well as contacting you on WordPress. I would be really grateful if someone could get back to me.
I noticed that the licence number on our Events Pro plugin was no longer valid – I didn’t receive a renewal notice (that I can find anyway) and would have renewed it if I had received something to remind me.
Please could we renew as of the renewal date (November I think) – we are a voluntary community organisation, so would only be able to do this if we got our renewal discount.
Please could someone get back to me?
Many thanks

Susie Brew
Hi Susie,
Sorry, I don’t think you got my reply to your email before Christmas. The reply was sent 23rd December.
I’ll follow up with you via email, but the discount code I sent you should still be valid.

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen Thanks for your response – I still can’t find any emails from you – please could you resend?
redacted Many thanks Susie
This reply was modified 4 years ago by
Stephen Harris.

Susie Brew
Hi Susie,
I’ve just resent the discount code. Let me know if you don’t get it.

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen I have searched everywhere but still can’t see the email you have sent me! Could you re-send please – just checking that it is going to susie.brew@hotmail.co.uk. You can also use susie@visitpewseyvale.co.uk.
I can’t think where it is going – I have search all mailboxes in all folders, including spam and deleted.
Many thanks

Susie Brew
Hi Stephen – just following up on this. I haven’t received the email and am keen to get a valid licence again for this plugin. Please could you let me know what I need to do to get back a licence please? You can try emailing me again – redacted or redacted or redacted – any of those will be ok! I am just not receiving anything you are sending me. Many thanks Susie
This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by
Stephen Harris.

Susie Brew
I’ll send that now. I’ve removed your emails from your reply so they aren’t picked up by any spambots.

Stephen Harris