Problem with licence renewal

This topic contains 6 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 3 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #39196 Reply

    I have already submitted a forum question, as well as contacting you on WordPress. I would be really grateful if someone could get back to me.
    I noticed that the licence number on our Events Pro plugin was no longer valid – I didn’t receive a renewal notice (that I can find anyway) and would have renewed it if I had received something to remind me.
    Please could we renew as of the renewal date (November I think) – we are a voluntary community organisation, so would only be able to do this if we got our renewal discount.
    Please could someone get back to me?
    Many thanks

    Susie Brew
    #39220 Reply

    Hi Susie,

    Sorry, I don’t think you got my reply to your email before Christmas. The reply was sent 23rd December.

    I’ll follow up with you via email, but the discount code I sent you should still be valid.

    Stephen Harris
    #39237 Reply

    Hi Stephen Thanks for your response – I still can’t find any emails from you – please could you resend?
    redacted Many thanks Susie

    • This reply was modified 4 years ago by  Stephen Harris.
    Susie Brew
    #39241 Reply

    Hi Susie,

    I’ve just resent the discount code. Let me know if you don’t get it.

    Stephen Harris
    #39303 Reply

    Hi Stephen I have searched everywhere but still can’t see the email you have sent me! Could you re-send please – just checking that it is going to You can also use
    I can’t think where it is going – I have search all mailboxes in all folders, including spam and deleted.
    Many thanks

    Susie Brew
    #39454 Reply

    Hi Stephen – just following up on this. I haven’t received the email and am keen to get a valid licence again for this plugin. Please could you let me know what I need to do to get back a licence please? You can try emailing me again – redacted or redacted or redacted – any of those will be ok! I am just not receiving anything you are sending me. Many thanks Susie

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by  Stephen Harris.
    Susie Brew
    #39485 Reply

    I’ll send that now. I’ve removed your emails from your reply so they aren’t picked up by any spambots.

    Stephen Harris
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Reply To: Problem with licence renewal
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