pro question regaring changing categories

WordPress Event Management, Calendars & Registration Forums Pre Sales Questions pro question regaring changing categories

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 11 years ago.

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  • #9414 Reply

    Hi, i have installed your free event calendar to see if it will work for a client site. Basically we need the ability to sell event tickets and i know i will need to buy pro for this.

    do i also need pro to change the word Categories on the event details page. I am using events by months at the moment and when you click into an event, it displays this Categories: July (or whatever month you’re on) I would like to change the word Categories to Click for other events in: is this possible now or is that another feature of pro?

    thanks so much..

    Michael B
    #9425 Reply

    Hi Michael,

    You can change the text with the free version. However, there’s a better way than using categories. With categories you would have to manually assign the event to the correct category, and if the event changes you’ll need to remember to change the category too. Also (and this might not apply to your use) if you have a recurring event, it might cross multiple months – but all dates will belong to the same category(ies).

    Instead, there already exists day, month and year archives you can use. These typically take the form:  //year //month //day

    (see the permalinks tab in the plug-in settings). You can simply link to the appropriate archive on the event page. First copy event-meta-event-single.php from your templates directory into your theme, and edit it there. (You can change this template to change what ‘Categories’ reads as). Wherever you’d like the link to appear you can add the following

    $month_archive_link = eo_get_event_archive_link( eo_get_the_start('Y'),  eo_get_the_start('m') );
    echo '<a href="'.$month_archive_link.'">View events in this month</a>';

    Once that’s done, no further maintenance is required :).

    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by  Stephen Harris.
    Stephen Harris
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