Private Event Categories?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 5 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #35031 Reply

    Hi Stephen, I played around a little bit with the free version, great work!
    I want to use events marked as private to show them only to logged in users in the full calendar, works great. All of this private events are in the same category, so just marking the category as private would be helpfull. Especially, because the filtering drop-down lists the category, even if the events are not visible for not logged in visitors. Is a kind of private category or another workaround possible with the Pro Version? Or just remove categories from drop-down for unlogged visitors?
    Many Thanks

    #35096 Reply

    Hi Chris,

    No unfortunately Pro doesn’t offer private categories.

    However it should be possible via code. Events are just post types and event categories are just taxonomy term. You could either hook into updating an event and set its visibility based on category or could you intercept requests for events and a clause to exclude those in the “private” category if the user is logged out.

    Stephen Harris
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