do the emails that are sent after booking& payment include printable tickets

By default they just include a list of the tickets and total in the body of the email (though that email is entirely customisable). However, it is possible to attach, for example, a PDF of the tickets for them to print out with a bit of custom code. In fact I’m developing an add-on which prints tickets with QR codes and a app to scan that ticket at the door – this add-on will be included for free for developer & business licenses (including existing customers) when its finally released. But I’d be happy to provide you with the code for attaching printable tickets to booking confirmation emails.

Stephen Harris
ok, any idea when the add-on will be live? I’m looking at an October event where we will probably start selling tickets in early September

The QR-Scanner app is still in the early stages of development (currently Android only too), so its difficult to give a reliable estimate for this. However, the part of the add-on responsible for attaching PDF tickets is largely complete – if just wanted to attach something printable – and are not worried about QR codes and scanning at the door – then I can send you that part of the code before the end of August.

Stephen Harris
Stephen.. I would really appreciate the “attach PDF” code for now.. thank you so much
-barak kassar

barak kassar
I’ll be in touch over the weekend. The caveat here is that the code will be part of a very early alpha of an extension which will later be able to communicate with a phone app (for scanning tickets). Although redundant code will be present, it won’t be invoked.

Stephen Harris
Hi Stephen! Hey, what’s the status of this project? I don’t strictly need a QR code, but would love to be able to attach a printable PDF of all tickets, for my client’s film festival which is now a month away… let me know – thanks!

Adam Abrams
I have seen this topic and already had hopes. But it’s been a few years and nothing seems to be happening here, or did I miss it?

Hi Marco,
This feature isn’t in active development at all unfortunately.
It’s possible to add attachments to bookings, but there are no plans to implement a feature whereby you attach QR codes which can then be scanned by an app to register attendance

Stephen Harris