printable tickets

This topic contains 8 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 4 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #6546 Reply

    do the emails that are sent after booking& payment include printable tickets

    #6547 Reply


    By default they just include a list of the tickets and total in the body of the email (though that email is entirely customisable). However, it is possible to attach, for example, a PDF of the tickets for them to print out with a bit of custom code. In fact I’m developing an add-on which prints tickets with QR codes and a app to scan that ticket at the door – this add-on will be included for free for developer & business licenses (including existing customers) when its finally released. But I’d be happy to provide you with the code for attaching printable tickets to booking confirmation emails.

    Stephen Harris
    #6549 Reply

    ok, any idea when the add-on will be live? I’m looking at an October event where we will probably start selling tickets in early September

    #6551 Reply

    The QR-Scanner app is still in the early stages of development (currently Android only too), so its difficult to give a reliable estimate for this. However, the part of the add-on responsible for attaching PDF tickets is largely complete – if just wanted to attach something printable – and are not worried about QR codes and scanning at the door – then I can send you that part of the code before the end of August.

    Stephen Harris
    #7450 Reply

    Stephen.. I would really appreciate the “attach PDF” code for now.. thank you so much
    -barak kassar

    barak kassar
    #7711 Reply

    I’ll be in touch over the weekend. The caveat here is that the code will be part of a very early alpha of an extension which will later be able to communicate with a phone app (for scanning tickets). Although redundant code will be present, it won’t be invoked.

    Stephen Harris
    #24527 Reply

    Hi Stephen! Hey, what’s the status of this project? I don’t strictly need a QR code, but would love to be able to attach a printable PDF of all tickets, for my client’s film festival which is now a month away… let me know – thanks!

    Adam Abrams
    #38558 Reply

    I have seen this topic and already had hopes. But it’s been a few years and nothing seems to be happening here, or did I miss it?

    #38584 Reply

    Hi Marco,

    This feature isn’t in active development at all unfortunately.

    It’s possible to add attachments to bookings, but there are no plans to implement a feature whereby you attach QR codes which can then be scanned by an app to register attendance

    Stephen Harris
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