Pre-sales question: reminder emails

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  s2dd 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #5679 Reply

    Hi Stephen,
    I’m building a website that requires people who’ve booked for an event to be sent an email 24 hours before the event, and then a different email 24 hours after the event. Is this possible in the Pro version? Or is something that could be added with a bit of coding? If so, could you give me some pointers on what would need to be modified, please?

    John Dyke
    #5689 Reply

    Hi John,

    It’s not possible ‘out of the box’ – but with a bit of custom code it certainly is. I’ll publish a tutorial on how to do this in the next 1-2 weeks.

    Note: it will involve using WP-Cron which is not 100% accurate in its timing (this will depend on your sites traffic).

    Stephen Harris
    #5690 Reply

    Grand – thanks Stephen!

    #5808 Reply

    Hi Stephen,
    I was just wondering if you could give me an update on the tutorial for the reminder emails. I’m getting into that stage of the project now and I have a friend working on it too – so any pointers you could give me would be much appreciated!

    #5828 Reply
    Stephen Harris
    #5833 Reply

    Stephen –
    Awesome, thank you! Now for me and my friend to digest it…
    All the best,

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Reply To: Pre-sales question: reminder emails
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