Pre-sales issues

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Stephen Harris 8 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #11946 Reply

    Hi there
    I’d like to know the following:
    1) Multiple tickets – is it possible to give discounts? e.g. one -ticket: 15 euro; two tickets 20 euro; three tickets 27 euro etc. – that possible in a drop-down menu?
    2) If I’ve added VAT through Event Org – what shows in the Paypal check out page? A brekdown or just the total?
    3) I tried to use your demo of admin for PRO but only the free version shows – I was asked for a purchase licence, been burnt by a few wp booking systems so need to really try this one out
    Thanks Niall

    Niall O Laoghaire
    #11947 Reply

    sorry another issue has arisen
    Can I embed the event booking form + ticketing etc. in to a different page than the event page?
    I’ll be using a one-page theme so can’t use the event page itself

    Niall O Laoghaire
    #11948 Reply

    Hi Niall,

    Multiple tickets – is it possible to give discounts? e.g. one -ticket: 15 euro; two tickets 20 euro; three tickets 27 euro etc. – that possible in a drop-down menu?

    Kind of – the discount codes extension (included for free with the business and developer license) allows you to offer a fixed amount or percentage discount subject to optional conditions (e.g. minimum number of tickets). This would require them to enter a discount code (which you could advertise on the booking form).

    Alternatively it would be possible to offer automatic bulk-pricing, but this isn’t a feature in Pro and would have to be specifically coded. Feel free to get in touch via this contact form and I’d be happy to provide you with a quote).

    2) If I’ve added VAT through Event Org – what shows in the Paypal check out page? A brekdown or just the total?

    It will show on the booking form and on PayPal (both “itemised”, as well as the total to be paid).

    3) I tried to use your demo of admin for PRO but only the free version shows – I was asked for a purchase licence, been burnt by a few wp booking systems so need to really try this one out

    It will ask for a license key, but doesn’t require one. All Pro features should still be accessible (but I’ll just double check now)

    Stephen Harris
    #25346 Reply

    Hi Stephen

    Really impressed with your support for this plugin.

    I see that this is an old discussion, but I just wondered if you ever looked into the automatic bulk pricing aspect of it?

    We need to sell tickets that are cheaper if the customer buys in bulk. The best solution that we’ve come up with is to create single, 2, 3, 4 etc tickets, but obviously they each only count as one ticket, so the tickets remaining don’t update as we need them to.

    Anyway, it’d be good to hear if you made any progress with that?


    Nathan Skelton
    #25377 Reply

    Hi Nathan,

    I’ve just published this ‘skeleton’ plug-in (currently untested) for handling bulk discounts:

    In theory there are only two places you need to make any changes.

    First you need to add the logic for the discount amount on the frontend. Basically you just need to determine what value discount should be for the given quantity of tickets.

    Secondly you need to replicate that in PHP here:

    Stephen Harris
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